Our central concern is that of well-informed preaching of the Good News of Jesus Christ for our day, and the Order has been inviting men and women to consider again the truth of the Gospel and its application for their lives. We help raise up disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ through the Word proclaimed and the ministry of grace.​ All that a friar does is directed toward his preaching. Jesus is the Word we speak, the life we live, the prayer we pray, the texts we study and the people with whom we minister.
Throughout the Central Province, we Dominicans find and name Christ’s grace in our parishes, ministering and preaching among God’s people. We name the grace of Christ in our institutions of education where it is taught and proclaimed. Below is only a handful of the places and the ways we serve, but there is no set path, and we are found in several other ministerial settings as well.

Dominicans have been involved in campus ministry for 800 years! When St. Dominic had only twelve friars, he sent them out to the six great universities of Europe. Many thought he was foolhardy, but Dominic followed the Gospel admonition and sent his men out two-by-two.
Purdue University
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center at Purdue University engages the youthful energy of all its members to nurture their faith journey across all generations through liturgy, spiritual and intellectual formation, stewardship, and justice with peace. They joyfully welcome all who wish to meet life’s challenges through lived faith in Jesus Christ.
Hope College
The Saint Benedict Institute at Hope College seeks to promote and nurture intellectual work done from the heart of the Catholic Church, foster an ecumenical community of Catholic Christians and friends committed to the renewal of culture, and aid in the formation of intellectually and spiritually mature Christians by making available the riches of the Catholic tradition.
Indiana University
St. Paul Catholic Center serves as the Newman Center and Catholic parish for the Indiana University community. They work to build up a community of missionary disciples who are on fire with Christ's love. They do this through celebration of the Sacraments, evangelization, small groups, social events, retreats, and service.
Aquinas College
Campus ministry at Aquinas College strives to animate the Roman Catholic Christian identity of the Aquinas College community, rooted in the Dominican pillars all for the sake of veritas (the truth of God’s mercy and love).
From the beginning of the Order, Dominicans have committed themselves to education. St. Dominic himself sent his brothers to university centers both to teach and to learn. Study was an important ingredient in the regular life of the brethren. The preachers understood their ministry to involve the proclamation of the Gospel and the education of others in the truths of the Catholic faith.​ The Province of St. Albert the Great continues this tradition by teaching in high schools, colleges, and universities.
Aquinas Institute of Theology
Our graduate school of theology and ministry educating men and women to preach, to teach, to minister, and to lead. Offering Masters degrees and certificates in theology and ministry, it is the only Catholic institution in the world offering a Doctorate in preaching. It is also in close proximity to the St. Dominic Priory, and our brothers in formation attend classes here as well.
Fenwick High School
Founded by the Dominicans in 1929, Fenwick serves students from Chicago and over 60 suburban communities. Fenwick students, guided by faith and reason, are a community of scholars, athletes, artists, and leaders, devoted to lives of virtue, service, learning, and truth as disciples in the Dominican Catholic tradition.

People who come to Dominican parishes benefit from excellent preaching with an emphasis on evangelization and social justice. The Dominicans themselves are benefitted by keeping rooted to the local church, connected to its heart at the parish level, and providing a base community from which to go out into the world.
St. Dominic Parish
St. Dominic Parish is a Catholic Christian community in the Dominican tradition, called to preach and live the Word of God as a Community of faith. From its earliest days, this Dominican parish has been a neighborhood church of immigrants.
St. Pius V
Located in the Pilsen neighborhood on Chicago’s near southwest side, St. Pius is a multicultural faith community united by a desire to bring the Gospel of Jesus to life in the neighborhood, city, and world. The Dominican Shrine of St. Jude is also located in the Church.
Santísimo Rosario
Founded in 1756, staffed by Dominicans since 1904, the parish serves mainly working-class families and farmers. Yauco is the foundation site of a native Dominican congregation of women religious: the Dominican Sisters of our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, so the friars do chaplaincy to the sisters. Since January 2020, this parish has struggled to repair the damages caused by the earthquake.
St. Albert the Great Parish
St. Albert the Great values its inner-city character and global vision. They desire to grow through mutual concern and outreach. As a community of faith-filled Catholic Christians, they recognize their baptismal call to be advocates of social justice and peace, seekers of wisdom, and servants of common good.
St. Vincent Ferrer
We would not be who we are without our eco-friendly design, which is at the core of our strategy. We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our capabilities when it comes to design and production. Get in touch to learn more.
Parroquia Invención
de la Santa Cruz
Founded in 1774, this parish was entrusted to the Dutch Dominicans in 1904. It is considered an inner-city parish serving a diverse population that commutes daily to Bayamon downtown. This is the traditional church for celebrating the faith for generations of Catholics around the city, having a strong ministry of the sacraments.